Category Archives: Uncategorized


This shop also had a sign for “Chrome Whees” that I didn’t have a chance to photograph. But the “Catalict Converters” is good enough for me.

Revising Miss Sarah

OK, I know that most of the stuff I post is just misspellings, which are unfortunate but happen to the best of us. But editors  are so much more than that—we help you rephrase your thoughts, and hone and clarify your written or spoken words. That is, we do our best to make you sound less like an idiot. So who needs an editor? Everyone. Yes, I mean you, ex-Governor/ex-V.P. candidate Sarah Palin.

Vanity Fair—quite literally—agrees. (Click the picture for the full story on


Courtesy of

Owch…I mean, Ouch

At least you can change a sign. It’s a little harder when the mistake is permanently etched on your skin: Tattoo Wrecks. I’m sad to see that there are 14 people who didn’t take the time to consult a dictionary (or a friendly local copy editor) when it came time to choose lifelong body art. I’m even sadder to think that this is probably only a fraction of people walking around with “To young to die” or “Tomarrow never knows” inscribed on their flesh.

A nice day in Belmullet

11rt0z4Still not sure exactly what they meant to say, but it must have been quite a relaxing day in Belmullet.

Thanks, Marla.

Our New Masters

Holy crap, monkeys recognize poor grammar. So they’re already a step ahead of half of the employees at your local Walmart. This is the first step toward Planet of the Apes.
That's one smart monkey. [Click pic to buy this tee.]

That's one smart monkey. (Click pic to buy this tee.)

“Previous research in cotton-top tamarins had shown that the animals can understand basic grammar, for instance, identifying which words logically follow other words in a sentence…While that study suggested monkeys were deaf to complex communication, the new research shows that tamarins can grasp at least one advanced concept: prefixes and suffixes.”

Read the full story at National Geographic. Oh, and by the way, monkeys already have thumbs and can subtract. So, yeah, we’re screwed.

Try a typo


Low-Carb Diet?

OK, I’ve been lagging in getting everything posted that you guys have been sending. Sorry.


I should, but I know I won't.

They’ll Be Coming in Droves

…a line in a press release on behalf of Five-Sixty assures us that, thanks to their extensive wine collection, they now “will blow even the toughest critic.”

Or so the Dallas Observer (my employer) tells me on their food blog, City of Ate. I guess I should start frequenting Five-Sixty. I have a hard time just getting iced tea refills at other restaurants.

Do You Want a Dirnk With That?

These, of course, are from the same deli that for a week offered “chips on the Mer.”


Sometimes I feel like this.

photo 3

Is today's special the cheese they scrape off the grill? Yum.

photo 4

I could make a tacky Native American reference here (e.g. "heap good sandwich!"), but I'll refrain. See what I just did there?

Thanks for the photos, Merritt.

It Sounds Right

“Hey, Clarence, will you look at our clearance center sign?”

“Looks close enough to me.”
